About Us

Welcome to the website of the Reepham & District Gardening Club

Affiliated to Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society and R.H.S.

Monthly Meetings are held in Reepham Town Hall, Back Street, Reepham, on the third Tuesday of every month at 7.15 pm, speaker starts at 7.30 pm

The annual subscription is £10 per person.  Subscriptions are collected in May.  Members then pay £1 on the door when they attend a meeting.  This includes tea, coffee and biscuits, usually with the added attraction of Tina's famous Brownies!

Non-members are always welcome to attend the monthly meetings and enjoy our speakers together with tea and coffee afterwards. An admission fee of £3 is payable on the door.

We welcome contributions from members.  Just go to the Contact Us page.



  • Carol Peakome - Chairperson
  • Lynda Fox - Secretary
  • Ricky Stevenson - Treasurer
  • Jeff Johnson - Programme Organiser
  • Currently Vacant, but being covered by Jeff Johnson - Outings Organiser
  • Tony Myhill - Raffle
  • Jacqui Logan - Publicity



  • Jeremy Brockman Webmaster