karen.brockman's blog

Autumn Bag Sale

Still so warm in the garden, just right for lifting and dividing surplus plants to bring to next Tuesday's meeting, 21st October.  Bring anything someone will want to add to their garden, easily fitting in a carrier bag, it will be most welcome.  The usual practice is to charge 50p a bag to go to Club funds. 

Soap and deer

What an informative talk by Jamie Blake from Bressingham at the September meeting - I will be trying his tip to put bars of strong smelling soap around plants which are munched by muntjac deer.  One night last year, they ate the buds off all the tulips in our garden.  Next spring, I'll be out there positioning soap on bits of wire! 

Gardening Events coming up

Our own Summer Show was a lovely evening and you might like to visit local similar shows to get some ideas for next year:-

30th August 2014 - Dereham Allotments and Gardeners Show 1 to 3pm at Church Hall, Theatre St, Dereham

6th Sept 2014 - Drayton Horticultural Association Autumn Show from 1.30pm at Village Hall, Pond Lane, Drayton

6th Sept 2014 - Hellesdon Horticultural Society Early Autumn Show 2 to 4pm at Hellesdon Community Centre, Middletons Lane, Norwich NR6 5SR


Show Schedule for Tuesday 19th August 2014

If you click on Meetings on the header above, you will find the Schedule for our Summer Show.  This is a lighthearted and social evening, so do start planning your entries, it's more fun if you do.  For those feeling competitive, last year, almost every category was won by a different person, so the chance of winning the Silver Cup for overall champion is wide open!! 

Plant Sale Saturday, 10th May 2014

The annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, 10th May this year, starting at 8.30 a.m. in Reepham Market Place as usual, outside the Bircham Centre.  Come and say hello whilst looking among the pots for something to add to your garden, including flowering plants, fruits and vegetables.

Members, please bring your plants the evening before the Plant Sale, to the committee in the Bircham Centre, from 6 p.m.  If you need plastic pots, Woodgate Nursery have a free supply, or contact me.  Many thanks, Karen Brockman


Snowdrops at Walsingham

On Wednesday, 12th February 2014, our first outing this year is a visit to Walsingham Abbey to see the carpets of snowdrops.  We shall leave Station Rd car park at 10.30 a.m., the Reepham Rover is booked and if you would like to go that way or to share a lift, please contact Celia Else 01603 308101.  Returning at approximately 3.30 p.m.  See for more details and lovely images, www.walsinghamabbey.com/


December Meeting - an Invitation to you

Our December meeting is on the third Tuesday (not as per printed programme), 17th December starting at 7 pm prompt for food and refreshments, at the usual venue - Reepham Town Hall.  This year there will be an entertainment, " Up the Garden Path".  Please bring a plate of food, whatever you like, to contribute to the festive feast.  We will provide the drinks.  A relaxed evening and a chance to chat among friends.
